Saturday, January 10, 2009


Apparently I have to update this thing every day or else I get in trouble! (You know who you are!) Anyway, today was just an average day at home with my kids. We're having trouble with a 3 year old bedroom escapee. Aidan will not stay in his bed at night since he started sharing a room with his 18 month old brother, Cameron. He sneaks out of his room at least 5 or so times each night which keeps Cameron awake and cranky. Which then keeps my 8 and 10 year old girls awake and extremely cranky, which in get the picture! We're all exhausted! So I must again go and drag my son back to bed if I ever expect to get everyone up for church in the morning!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Hi everyone! I just created this spontaneously in response to reading Becca King's blog. I think it's a great idea to track my progress with getting in shape and getting healthy (ie. losing tons of weight!). Also, I'm sure everyone is very interested in everything I have to say, or complain about so here I am!